1. EJN (Economic Justice Network)
2. AFRODAD (African Forum and Network On Debt and Development)
3. Oxfam SA (Oxfam South Africa)
Please find here the complete statement sent to the South Africa’s G20 Sherpa
The Civil 20 (C20) commends the G20 Rio de Janeiro Leader’s Declaration, which underscores the significance of addressing inequality, fostering sustainable development, and amplifying civil society voices. This milestone reflects the success of collaborative efforts in 2024 and sets the stage for deeper engagement next year. The C20 reaffirms its commitment to dialogue and action, urging all stakeholders to intensify partnerships to advance global priorities such as climate action, social justice, and equitable governance.
O Civil 20 (C20) elogia a Declaração de Líderes do G20 no Rio de Janeiro, que destaca a importância de enfrentar as desigualdades, promover o desenvolvimento sustentável e amplificar as vozes da sociedade civil. Este marco reflete o sucesso da colaboração em 2024 e prepara o terreno para um envolvimento ainda mais profundo no próximo ano. O C20 reafirma seu compromisso com o diálogo e a ação, instando todas as partes interessadas a intensificarem as parcerias para avançar em prioridades globais como ação climática, justiça social e governança equitativa.
Clique aqui para acessar o documento completo em inglês. A versão em português do documento está sendo elaborada
The C20 Brazil 2024 Policy Pack brings together the final recommendations of the ten thematic working groups. This edition included the participation of over 2,500 people, representing 1,700 organizations from 91 countries.
O Policy Pack do C20 Brasil 2024 reúne as recomendações finais dos dez grupos de trabalho temáticos. Esta edição contou com a participação de mais de 2.500 pessoas, representando 1.700 organizações de 91 países.
The Civil Society 20 (C20) Summit in Rio de Janeiro on November 13 marked the conclusion of Brazil’s leadership of the G20 civil society engagement group. At the event, C20 representatives officially delivered the “Policy Pack” to the Brazilian government—a strategic set of policy recommendations crafted by thematic working groups over the preceding year. These recommendations addressed key issues such as climate justice, poverty eradication, gender equality, and global financial reform. The Summit also served as a ceremonial handover, passing the C20 presidency to South Africa. Attendees included prominent representatives from various sectors, public figures, and government officials. On November 11, C20 leaders met with President Lula to discuss proposals for advancing a fairer, more inclusive global agenda.
Civil 20 (C20) was made official as an Engagement Group of G20 in 2013. Since then, C20 has grown stronger every year, ensuring that world leaders listen to the recommendations and demands of the organized civil society, looking to protect the environment and promote social and economic development, human rights and the principle of leaving no one behind.
C20 is one of the official Engagement Groups of G20 that provides a platform for civil society organizations and social movements around the world to voice people’s aspirations to the world leaders in G20.